Scroll down to some of the talks we've listened to recently, or search on the right if there's a part of the Bible you're interested in hearing about. If you're on the lookout for a Trinity talk, you'll find it right here. At the moment due to a switch in servers not all past talks are available here. We’re in the process of adding talks back on to the website but if there’s a talk missing you’d like to get hold of, please get in touch.
Bible Passage
- 53
- 1 Chronicles 4
- 1 Corinthians 54
- 1 John 14
- 1 Kings 5
- 1 Peter 17
- 1 Samuel 28
- 1 Thessalonians 2
- 1 Timothy 7
- 2 Chronicles 9
- 2 Corinthians 30
- 2 John 1
- 2 Kings 5
- 2 Peter 4
- 2 Samuel 2
- 2 Thessalonians 2
- 2 Timothy 7
- 3 John 5
- Acts 39
- Ask London 3
- Colossians 22
- Daniel 10
- Deuteronomy 7
- Ecclesiastes 9
- Ephesians 30
- Esther 8
- Exodus 14
- Ezekiel 17
- Ezra 5
- Galatians 7
- Genesis 39
- Habakkuk 4
- Haggai 8
- Hebrews 34
- Hosea 1
- Isaiah 24
- James 9
- Job 7
- Joel 4
- John 40
- Jonah 4
- Joshua 17
- Jude 4
- Judges 15
- Leviticus 10
- Luke 42
- Malachi 11
- Mark 44
- Matthew 29
- Nehemiah 2
- Adam Pymble 23
- Andrew Baughen 6
- Andrew Nicholls 1
- Andrew Sach 2
- Andy Thomas 2
- Aneal Appadoo 1
- Barnaby Monteiro 5
- Bishop Adrian Newman 1
- Bishop Rod Thomas 1
- Bishop Stephen Oliver 1
- Bishop Wallace Benn 4
- Charlie Skrine 9
- Chris Fishlock 5
- Chris Green 3
- Chris Phillips 13
- Christopher Ash 3
- David Barnsley 4
- David Jackman 19
- Dele Agbelusi 1
- Doug and Nancy Olsen 3
- Jonny Dyer 1
- James Buchanan 50
- James Croucher 2
- James Jamieson 1
- James Linforth 1
- James Maurice 2
- James Walsh 10
- Jeremy Hobson 328
- Jeremy Hobson 127
- Jesse Cope 2
- Jez Lowries 1
- Joe Ammoun 29
- John Moody 6
- Johnny Pilgrem 17
- Jon Haines 10
- Jon Hobbs 4
- Jonathan Hunter Dunn 2
- Julian Bidgood 4
- Justin Mote 4
- Tchern Lenn 1
- Mark Aldham 23
- Mark Jackson 4
- Mark O'Donoghue 1
- Mark Wooding 1
- Madhush Mathews 46
- Matt Peckham 13
- Nathan Richards 61
- Nigel Beynon 18
- Nigel Styles 3
- Pete Nicholas 9
- Philip Sudell 4
- Richard Balmer 3
- Rob Garvey 1
- Robin Sydserff 2
- Rory Graham 2
- Rupert Bentley-Taylor 4
- Sam Cucu 1
- Steven Nicholson 1
- Tim McMahon 4
- Tom Brown 2
- Trinity Church Islington 15
- James Walsh 1
- William Taylor 3
- Paul Williams 4